
Throughout the year the Klangraum Krems in the Minorite Church and the Kapitelsaal of the Minorite Monastery accommodate unique acoustic and visual experiments with sound artworks by internationally renowned artists. Site-specific works and projects based on the interaction of sound, space, light, time, movement, and form create exceptional experiences with the architecture and acoustics of the early Gothic church and its chapter room.

Sound installations

Schwarm / Essaim (2021)

Félix Blume

March 17 until May 7, 2023 (open during Festival Imago Dei and donaufestival) & June 29 until October 1, 2023

Krems Klangraum Krems Kapitelsaal Klangraum Krems Kapitelsaal

Weaving (2019/23)

Christina Kubisch

June 29 until October 1, 2023

Krems Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche

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